Monday, February 11, 2008

Surprise. HSD is having audio issues.

What else is new?

No seriously, I apologize.
I am very serious about high speed dubbing.
I love writing about the music.
I love getting feedback (when it happens).
I love posting music, and even more so..

I love getting put on to new music.
HSD has allowed all of that to happen, and my music enjoyment has been enriched because of it.

December we were just getting off our feet.
We hit a few bumps in January, but we were rolling!
February isn't working out so well.

Again, the online spot I was using is causing issues with my audio.
So now I'm seriously thinking of buying a website so I can store/upload music without a 3rd party company (suggestions are welcome). So again, HSD will be on hiatus until I find out what's up.

My tritube to J Dilla will still appear as soon as I find a solution to this...ha ha, problem. Thank you for checking me out. Please keep me in your bookmarks and RSS feeds. I appreciate all the feedback and I promise there will be plenty of music to download and talk about. Cool?

