Tuesday, November 17, 2009

50 Sense EP

Aiight first things first. I'm not a fan of 50 cent...... sorry to those of you who may have some of his material in your collection. I'm not saying I hate the man. I just dont dig him. Now, many of you have heard me give shouts to Digital Vertigo. DV is a dj forum that i've been a memeber of for years now. One of the members, DJ Waxon, made an EP with 50 cent remixes that he did himself. Similar to how 9th wonder flipped Nas' Gods Son. Now once again, I'm not a fan of fiddy. But the new beats are official and worth sharing. My mans even took it a step further and layered the remixes over curtis' existing videos. Check it out.

Download 50 Sense EP > http://www.djwaxon.com/audio/DJ%20Wax%20On%20-%2050%20Sense.zip

DJ Waxon youtube > http://www.youtube.com/djwaxon

The most fabulous T-Bear One8III

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