Wednesday, March 12, 2008

T-BEAR is taking over HSD!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to bring to the stage the host and creator of one of the BEST Hip Hop podcasts on the internet. The wonderful and fabulous T-Bear of Jungle Bassment Radio!

Honestly, I can't say enough about this brotha. His Jungle Bassment Radio podcast is one of the most creative mixes I've heard in a long time. The mix isn't just a bunch of well blended tracks, anybody can do that (well, not everybody). It's an entire show! Every mix has his own personal style yet stays true to the music, and I respect the brotha for that. One last thing, I've been checking out his mixes for years and whenever I complete a show I always ask the same question:


Anyway, for the next few weeks T-Bear is going to take over high speed dubbing.

And um, while you're in the clapping mood, go subscribe to his podcast: iTunes, Twango or stream.

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