Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monica's Mixtape I

Leo's Sunshipp "Give Me The Sunshine" // We Need Each Other (1978)

I really treasure the gift of music. So when someone takes the time to introduce me to some new sounds, I am grateful. I'd like to take this time to give recognition to my friend Monica down in Georgia. A long long time ago at a time where my musical identity was still taking its shape, I received a 60 minute cassette tape in the mail that altered everything that I thought was right. Music that I had considered good, was just...eh, average. Musicians and producers I looked up to I started second guessing. Why, cause they weren't doing what THESE guys were doing. That mixtape is responsible for introducing me to Johnny Hammond, James Mason and Bobbi Humphrey.

Well, I received another mixtape (actually it was a CD this time) and I have to admit, she's done it again. Monica truly has an ear for solid soul music. This two disc set is filled with artists and songs I had never heard. One of which is Leo Sunshipp's "Give Me The Sunshine", which hit me hard when I was driving to an assignment. Just a great smooth groove. I love the end where dude pulls out the falsetto.

I never really say, "Hey, download this!" on this blog. But whenever I showcase one of the songs from her newest compilation, you need to download. At least take a listen. I'm having a difficult time picking out the next track. I might have to showcase two next time. Anyway, props to Monica

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dope! thanks for putting me on