Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Does Ye know about this!?!

So I'm perusing youtube and I stumble across this track. Dope as it maybe i can't help but wonder is mr. west aware of this?

It is obviously a take off:

i know, i know. One or more of you loyal HSD readers is saying, "but ave, Curtis made 'move on up' in '70, and Ye made touch the sky in '06".

Well loyal reader, there is a perfectly logical explanation for this. If you actually watched the touch the sky video (2:30)you'll see that the video was shot in '69 (Mr West was even ahead of the game by being one of the first to criticize president nixon early in his administration). At least a year ahead of Curtis.

......i know. i know..."But ave, Ye wasn't born until '77". Again, logical explanation best summed up in this early yet recent pic of Ye that should put this to rest

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